Monday, April 23, 2012

Information Reliability

1. is important. It is suppose to be cleared the fact that who wrote it because we should know why he or she wrote it.
2. Finding the aim can help understand why the info was posted, whether to trust it or not.
3. You should use website that has the information you need and remember to read the website carefully
4. if the website give you any information that you don't need to know, or too detail like  wikipedia skip it.
5. you can check if the info is true or not by going to another website to chec
6. Always check the update for and it depends on the type of information you're looking
7. Careful to see if is bias or not. We should know why the author create the website
8. What choices does the website give you? Make sure there are choices for you to do. Also, they not suppose to have bias

Parts of an URL

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Internet Searching

The Internet can be searched in many different ways, but to do it properly, you should include key words, and leave out common ones. Think of it this way, if you google "a dog" the results would include all websites that include "a", "dog", and "a dog" making your searching broader, and perhaps harder to find the information you wish to find. A plus sign would help a lot too. When you add a plus sign and a word after it, you make sure that the word is included to your search, a minus sign on the hand, excludes a word from the search, narrowing your field of information. Quotations would group words together, if you google "an apple" without the quotations, it would come up with results for both words, but if you include quotations, the results would only include the words "an apple". Remeber, be specific, be simple.

Survey for Daily Bizare

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Project 1 Review: Multimedia Science Project

I started with the original video, which is over 3 minutes long. After converting it from a youtube video into .wmv by Zamzar, I downloaded it and inserted it into a Movie Maker file. There, I skipped the main introduction, as well as the description of the effects of the other alkali metals mentioned in the video. I looked for the part that is about Francium, found out where it started, frame by frame, and where it ended. Very carefully, I deleted all the non-useful parts in the video, as well as anything not about francium. Between the change of the subjects inside the video, I also added pictures showing some of the topics related in the video, along with transitions.


Thursday, February 16, 2012

Bitmage Image Editing

 In this picture, I increased the contrast, and decreased the brightness

        In this image, I used the Red Eye Removal tool to remove the dog's Red eye on the picture on the left

 I resized the picture, cropped it, and changed its brightness.

 In this picture, and changed its brightness and contrast.

In this picture, I  inscreased its brightness.

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

AIS after school clubs -- Remade, suitable for teachers

To make this slide suitable for adults and teachers, I had to:
1. Change the back ground into a simpler color
2. Change the font color, font style, and font size to make it look more professional
3. I added more information in the text box

After School Clubs

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Think Before You Post!

This is one of the rules of blog posting created by Mr. Michael. I believe that if you do not follow this rule, you might, and probably will post stupid things. Now that Facebook and other social media sites have made it easier to post without thinking, just by pressing "enter", you could send to the world a stupid message that you didn't think about before posting. This can lead to misunderstandings between people, and even insulting them.

Thursday, February 2, 2012

My Targets for ICT this Semester

My targets for this semester's ICT class is to be able to use photoshop, and sound/video editing.